
Friday 22 April 2011

The 6 Snacks You Should Eat Every Day

The 6 Snacks You Should Eat Every Day

In fact, when Penn State researchers fed subjects just one humble apple before mealtime, the subjects consumed nearly 190 fewer calories. That's part of the reason why, when laying out the eating strategy for the new Eat This, Not That No-Diet Diet!, I included two snacks per day, every day.

Think of it this way: The more you eat, the more you lose. Sounds great, right? But you need to snack smartly, and stock your kitchen with the nibbles on this list.


Fage Total 2% Plain Greek Yogurt (7 oz container)
130 calories
4 g fat (3 g saturated)
17 g protein
8 g sugars

Yogurt is teeming with calcium, which promotes muscle growth; and probiotic bacteria, which bolsters your immune system. What's more, study participants who ate yogurt daily lost 81 percent more belly fat than those who didn't, according to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity. So why Greek? Because the Greek stuff has more than double the protein of standard American-style yogurt-and far less sugar. Want to make it even healthier? Add a few berries along with some nuts or seeds.
Not That!
Dannon Fruit on the Bottom Strawberry (6 oz container)
150 calories
1.5 g fat (1 g saturated)
6 g protein
26 g sugars
DID YOU KNOW? Sleepy women eat an extra 328 calories per day, according a new study from the New York Obesity Research Center. Discover more shocking health, nutrition, and weight loss secrets like this by following me on Twitter right here (where I'm giving a FREE iPad2 to a lucky follower) or by signing up for our FREE Eat This, Not That! newsletter.

Almonds (1 oz)
163 calories
14 g fat (1 g saturated)
6 g protein
3.5 g fiber
Almonds are an excellent source of heart-healthy monosaturated fats, and, pound for pound, a better source of protein than eggs. That's part of the reason why research published in the journal Obesity demonstrated that people who frequently eat nuts are less likely to gain weight. Just be sure to eat them whole: A study from the Journal of Nutrition found that the flavonoids in the skin combine with the vitamin E in the nut to double the antioxidant dose.

Not That!
Original M&Ms (1 serving, 1.7 oz)
240 calories
10 g fat (6 g saturated)
31 g sugars
2 g protein
1 g fiber
Bonus Tip: The right breakfast will jumpstart your metabolism and have you burning more calories throughout the day. The wrong one will fill you up with empty calories and an entire day’s worth of fat, sugar, and salt. Make sure you consult this shocking list of the 20 Worst Breakfasts in America.

Kashi GoLean Original (1 cup with 1/2 cup of 1% milk)
195 calories
2.5 g fat (.5 g saturated)
12 g sugars
17 g protein
10 g fiber

You know how you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover? Well the same rule applies to cereal. Some cereals, like the granola below, look healthy but actually have as much sugar as a candy bar. Kashi's GoLean lives up to its healthy moniker. This bowl has twice as much fiber as an apple, three times as much protein as a large egg, and even with milk it manages to keep the calorie load below 200 per bowl.

Not That!
Kashi Summer Berry Granola (3/4 cup with 1/2 cup 1% milk)
385 calories
10.5 g fat (2 g saturated)
19.5 g sugars

DID YOU KNOW? Studies show that people underestimate how many calories are in restaurant meals by nearly 100 percent! Think you know healthy foods when you see them? Then I'll bet you'll be shocked by these 25 New Healthy Foods That Aren’t.

Sabra Roasted Red Pepper Hummus (2 Tbsp with 10 baby carrots)
105 calories
6 g fat (1 g saturated)
200 mg sodium
2.5 g protein
4 g fiber

Hummus is composed primarily of chickpeas, which have been shown to help regulate blood sugar—probably due to their salutary balance of protein and fiber. Most of that fiber is insoluble, so it promotes colon health. One study even found that people who added chickpeas to their diet ended up taking in fewer total calories. Add to that a few baby carrots and you get the added benefit of vision-preserving, skin-soothing beta-carotene.

Not That!
Lay’s Smooth Ranch Dip (2 tbsp) with Ruffles Loaded Chili & Cheese Potato Chips (1 oz)
220 calories
15 g fat (1 g saturated)
390 mg sodium
Eat This, Not That! secret: You can lose 10, 20, 30 or more pounds while still eating your favorite foods, and without dieting, if you make smart swaps throughout your day. Feast on this delicious list of 15 Desserts That Burn Fat!

Lowfat chocolate milk (1 cup)
160 calories
2.5 g fat (1.5 g saturated)
25 g sugars
8 g protein
You probably know that dairy products are an ideal source of calcium, but did you know that calcium actually interferes with your body's ability to absorb fat? To enjoy that effect, though, you need the vitamin D, so thankfully dairy producers add it to milk. Regular, non-chocolate milk offers this benefit, but research shows that chocolate milk might have an edge on the white stuff. A study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism showed that participants who drank chocolate milk before mounting stationary bikes were able to ride 49 percent longer than those given a generic carbohydrate-replacement beverage. Keep that in mind next time you're about to head out for an afternoon gym session.

Not That!
Arizona Sports Lemon-Lime (1 bottle)
200 calories
0 g fat
52 g sugars
0 g protein

Newman’s Own Organics Spelt Pretzels (20 pretzels)
120 calories
1 g fat (0 g saturated)
240 mg sodium
4 g protein
4 g fiber

Spelt is a grain related to wheat that packs more fiber and protein—and at 6 calories per pretzel, the dietary bang for your buck is undeniable. Over-saltiness is always a concern with pretzels, but the sodium level in this snack is mild. Combine that with Newman's Own's longstanding support for charitable causes—and, in Nell Newman's Organics company, a robust commitment to sustainable, organic farming—and you've got a product you'll proudly pluck from the shelf. Pair these with a hunk of cheddar to rope even more protein into your snack break.

Not That!
Newman’s Own Organics Salted Rounds Pretzels (16 pretzels)
220 calories
2 g fat (0 g saturated)
800 mg sodium
4 g protein
0 g fiber
ALWAYS REMEMBER: The key is finding snacks that are low in sugar and high in protein and fiber. Check out the Eat This, Not That! series, and try any of our 50 Best Snack Foods in America. They’ll help push the junk out of your diet—and the fat out of your body—by helping to keep you lean and full all day long!

Tips how to avoid carsick

Tips how to avoid carsick

  • Please take pills one hour before your journey
  • Avoid from reading too long in your journey
  • Play music/ song that smooth to hear and not too loud
  • Make sure your daughters that have this situation sit with direction of your ride. Ask them for watch the hills, tree far from you.
  • Don’t take hot and oil’s food before or during journey. Also make sure stomach are not fuelled before or during journey.
  • Take time for rest if the journey take too long
  • Make sure drink water are enough
  • If riding with MPV or Bus, do not take at the back/ behind

Friday 15 April 2011

Recognize triangle symbol for your plastic

  1. code 1 or PET-use in (mineral water bottle, oil bottle,jus bottle, cosmetic bottle)  used for one time only after that discarded 
  2. code 2 or HDPE (High-density Polyethylene- used in medicine bottle, jus bottle, milk bottle-(white milk in colour)-used one time 
  3. code 3 or PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)-dangerous particle used in pipe, table plastic, shampoo bottle, toys..can damage your kidney and liver 
  4. code 4 or LDPE (Low-density Polyethylene- used in plastic wrap 
  5. code 5 or PP (Polypropylene atau Polypropene)-used in bottle cover, plastic cup, marjarine cup, toys
  6. code 6 or jenis PS (Polystyrene)-also dangerous when used in cover hot food with it (styrofoam, spatula platic, plastic fork, plastic spoon
  7. 7 or Other (O)-Polycarbonate that contain with Bisphenol-A (BPA)..BPA is dangerous can cause damge your hormone system. used in milk baby bottles..
In this part i want to share that many parents did not know about BPA..BPA is must concern about know about BPA please click .

Experts: Store blood cells from Japan nuke workers

NEW YORK – Workers at Japan's troubled nuclear plant should store blood cells now in case they need them later as treatment for radiation overdose, some Japanese experts suggest.
Plant workers are struggling to control radiation leakage from the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex, which was severely damaged by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Radiation levels are dangerously high in some areas of the plant, and the experts note that the work there will take years, posing a risk of accidental exposure.
High doses of radiation can destroy the blood-making cells of the bone marrow, a potentially fatal outcome that can be treated with transplants of blood stem cells. Such transplants are standard therapy now for blood diseases like leukemia. Getting those cells from a donor takes time, and potential incompatibility between the donated cells and the recipient can lead to severe complications, the experts noted.
So they suggest that the plant's workers have their own blood stem cells banked now. That involves getting injections for several days to get stem cells from the marrow to enter the bloodstream. Then blood would be drawn from one arm, processed to extract the stem cells, and returned into the other arm. That takes several hours.
Once the stem cells were stored, any workers who later got accidentally exposed to a large radiation dose could get infusions of their own cells.
The experts, from institutions including Toranomon Hospital and the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research in Tokyo, discuss the idea in a letter published online Thursday by the journal Lancet.
They noted that reaction to the idea has been mixed since they first raised it last month. Some medical groups have supported it, while other experts have said it would pose an undue physical and psychological burden on nuclear workers, they wrote. In any case, some transplant teams are ready to collect and store the cells, they said.
In a telephone interview with The Associated Press, a U.S. stem cell transplant expert said the idea might have some limited use.
Dr. Nelson Chao of Duke University said the proposal would be reasonable for workers who enter high-radiation zones to clean up the nuclear complex.

But its usefulness would be limited to workers who end up getting radiation doses within a rather narrow range, he said. If they get less than that, they'll recover anyway. If they get more, they'd also sustain lethal and untreatable damage to the gut and other organs including the lung. Stem cell transplants could not help with that, he said.

my impression

with the name of Allah...
today with my destiny...with my hope..with wonderful life.
i hope i can share about my opinion with this blog..
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